fill out the booking form
fill out the booking form
Please contact us by the expiration date or at most the week after so we can still do something for you! We will have to charge you for the extension but at least you’ll have a chance to live this wonderful experience. What are you waiting for? We’re waiting for you to fly!
flying in a balloon does not involve any particular risk or contraindications. However, it is essential to enjoy a good state of health.
For safety reasons it is not possible to fly if you are pregnant, under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if you cannot maintain your "support position" during the landing phases, which consists of flexing your knees and holding on to the appropriate handles inside the basket.
Not recommended to fly for those with cardiovascular or respiratory problems.
Those who have been scuba diving in the previous 48 hours cannot fly for safety reasons.
Any type of disability must be reported at the time of booking, it is important that the pilot is aware of it so you can guarantee maximum safety!
The pilot has the authority to decide whether the participant is fit to fly.
If you have any doubts about this, consult your medical professional!
In case of weather not favorable to the flight (rain, strong wind or in the wrong direction, fog, poor visibility or nearby storms) the flight will be canceled and rescheduled on a date to be agreed together!
Within one year of validity, if you are so unlucky that your flight is cancelled three times, you will be entitled to a free 3 month extension!
You can change your booking without penalty up to 5 days before the flight.
If you are unable to take part in the flight for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible, we will do our best to find someone who can replace you so that you do not incur penalties! Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee success, but the ticket is transferable to third parties, so in the worst case scenario, you can send someone in your place.
Do you need a place to sleep?
We have affiliated facilities, Find out more under the form!
Double room and breakfast at dawn